Vienna, Austria

ESTRO 2025

It is my great pleasure to invite you back to Vienna, Austria for ESTRO 2025 which will take place from 2 to 6 May. Building on the huge success of previous congresses in this vibrant city, situated ideally in the centre of Europe, we will convene the radiation oncology community for five days of learning, collaborating and connecting. 

The ambition of ESTRO to further reinforce radiation oncology as a key partner in multidisciplinary cancer care, and to guarantee accessible and high-value radiation therapy for all cancer patients who need it, is expressed in the society’s vision statement for 2030: ‘Radiation Oncology. Optimal Health for All, Together.’

Continuous evolution and refinement of radiation oncology is one important path of innovation to achieve this goal. ESTRO 2025 will put an emphasis on breakthrough research and innovation. Such revolutionary innovation is happening within our discipline, and even more opportunities open by collaboration and partnership with neighbouring and even distant fields of research. With this aim, the congress theme is Transformative Innovation Through Partnership. The programme will focus on how all stakeholders can learn from each other and cooperate to push the boundaries of radiation oncology and multidisciplinary cancer care in general. The theme will be reflected throughout the programme via state-of-the-art sessions.

The programme will emphasise interaction between audience and faculty, making top-level science accessible for all attending. Featuring panel discussions, pitch sessions and debates, the programme will connect the whole radiotherapy community. Leaders in the field will share their work and knowledge via symposia and teaching lectures. Joint sessions with partner associations will connect delegates with new communities and increase the reach of the ESTRO population. Nurturing those starting out in their careers remains a pillar of the society and therefore the Young Track will continue to provide educational activities focussed on those in the earlier stages of their careers. All sessions will promote collaboration between faculty and audience.

ESTRO strives to showcase the top-level scientific work being carried out by the radiation oncology community. With this in mind, the best abstract submitted to each track will be celebrated in a best proffered paper session. Other sessions will showcase the latest trial results. In addition to these highlight sessions, ESTRO will recognise the top-tier abstracts submitted to the congress. The highly popular mini-oral sessions will continue, enhancing the visibility of submitted research, while poster discussion sessions offer a platform to showcase work. We will continue to emphasise the interdisciplinarity of the ESTRO scientific programme by calling for abstracts which are of interest to a broad range of disciplines.

The main purpose of the ESTRO annual congress is to disseminate the latest science within the world of radiotherapy but also to reach out to the larger medical community and society in general. We will be increasing our communication of the breakthrough science via social channels and the press both during and after the congress. This will ensure engagement for those presenting at ESTRO 2025 far beyond the congress itself.

Networking with corporate partners is always invaluable. ESTRO 2025 will host Europe’s largest industry exhibition in radiation oncology. It will offer you a unique opportunity to interact with industry leaders and to find out about the latest innovations in the field.

We look forward to welcoming you in Vienna.

With warm regards,


     Matthias Guckenberger  

             ESTRO President
            ESTRO 2025 Chair


Matthias Guckenberger (CH) – Chair of the Congress & Chair Interdisciplinary Track

  • Frank-André Siebert (DE) - Chair, SAG Brachytherapy
  • Icro Meattini (IT) - Chair, SAG Clinical Radiotherapy
  • Christian Richter (DE) - Chair, SAG Radiation Physics
  • Monica Mangoni (IT) - Chair, SAG Radiobiology
  • Maeve Kearney (IE) - Chair, SAG Radiation Therapy
  • Dylan Callens (BE) & Daniel Portik (RO) - Chairs, Young track

Pierre Blanchard (FR), Luca Boldrini (IT), Monica Buijs (NL), Catharine Clark (UK), Emmanouil Fokas (DE), Morten Horsholt Kristensen (DK), Coen Hurkmans (NL), Barbara Alicja Jereczek-Fossa (IT), Anna Kirby (UK), Laure Marignol (IE), Vratislav Strnad (DE), Bartek Tomasik (PL), Uulke van der Heide (NL),


Frank-André Siebert (DE) - Chair

Asa Carlson Tedgren (SE), Alfonso Gomez de Iturriaga (ES), Jean-Michel Hannoun-Levi (FR), Christian Kirisits (AT), Peter Niehoff (DE), Primoz Petric (CH), Alex Stewart (UK), Vratislav Strnad (DE), Luca Tagliaferri (IT), Kari Tanderup (DK), Piotr Wojczesiek (PL)


Icro Meattini (IT) - Chair

Nicolaus Andratschke (CH), Pierre Blanchard (FR), Jean-Emmanuel Bibault (FR), Pierluigi Bonomo (IT), Charlotte Coles (UK), Frances Duane (IE), Corinne Faivre-Finn (UK), Emmanouil Fokas (DE), Giulio Francolini (IT), Susan Lalondrelle (UK), Remi Nout (NL), Piet Ost (BE), Gitte Person (DK), Mateusz Spalek (PL), Birgitte Vrou Offersen (DK)


Christian Richter (DE) - Chair

Christian Richter (DE), Ane Appelt (UK), Marianne Aznar (DK), Christoph Bert (DE), Jenny Bertholet (CH), Catharine Clark (UK), Cristina Garibaldi (IT), Eduard Gershkevitsh (EE), Robert Jeraj (SL), Nuria Jornet (ES), Stine Korreman (DK), Tomasz Piotrowski (PL), Lorenzo Placidi (IT), Jan Jakob Sonke (NL), Edmond Sterpin (BE), Daniela Thorwarth (DE), Lisanne van Dijk (NL), Dirk Verellen (BE)


Maeve Kearney (IE) - Chair

Sophie Boisbouvier (FR), Monica Buijs (NL), Celeste Oliveira (PT), Brayden Geary (AU), Pia Krause Møller (DK), Michelle Leech (IE), Mirjam Mast (NL), Philipp Scherer (AT), Rita Simões (UK), Filipa Sousa (BE), Yat Man Tsang (CA)


Monica Mangoni (IT) - Chair

Jan Bussink (NL), Anthony Chalmers (UK), Ananya Choudhury (UK), Franziska Eckert (AT), Francesco Marampon (IT), Apostolos Menegakis (NL), Michele Mondini (FR), Pierre Montay-Gruel (BE), Paul Span (NL), Bartek Tomasik (PL), Cläre Von Neubeck (DE), Marie-Catherine Vozenin (CH)


Dylan Callens (BE) & Daniel Portik (RO) - Chairs

Dora Correia (CH), Danielle Fairweather (UK), Marta Giżyńska (NL), Morten Horsholt Kristensen (DK), Fatjona Kraja (AL), Steven Petit (NL), Ghizela Ana Maria Salagean (RO), Jan Timmermans (BE), Bartek Tomasik (PL)

Abstract submission: 20 November 2024

Late-breaking abstract submission: 19 March 2025

Early rate registration deadline: 22 January 2025

Late registration deadline: 2 April 2025



Late-breaking abstract submission is now closed. Selection results will be sent by 2 April.

Late-breaking abstracts must present timely findings which were not available at the time of the deadline (20 November 2024). The late-breaking abstract deadline is not intended to be a second deadline for abstract submissions. Abstracts deemed to not be truly late-breaking are rejected.


The abstract selection process has been completed and all results have been sent to submitting authors. If you have not received your notification email, please check your junk/spam folder for mails from 

Abstract submission for ESTRO 2025 is closed. The deadline for submission was 20 November 2024, 23:59 CET. Edits to the abstract are no longer possible.

Presenting authors should register for the congress by 5 March 2025. Presenting authors will have access to the early registration rate until this date. This extension to the early rate only applies to authors listed as presenting in the abstract, other authors will be able to register at the applicable rates.


Radiotherapy & Oncology (the Green Journal) and The Lancet Oncology are joining forces for ESTRO 2025. The top clinical trials submitted for the congress will be featured in a special Green Journal- The Lancet Oncology joint session and could be published in either journal.

Submit your abstract by 20 November 2024 for a chance to present your research at this prestigious session and see your work published in one of these leading journals.

Abstract submission opens on 2 September 2024.

For more details, read the letter from the editors.


Several awards are presented during the ESTRO Congress to authors of selected abstracts. There are also travel grants available that can be applied for to fund your participation in the Congress.

ESTRO 2025 Programme Journeys

The ESTRO annual congress has the largest scientific programme for any radiation oncology meeting in Europe. It can be daunting to work your way through this programme to identify topics of interest to you.

The ESTRO Scientific Council is continuing its initiative of offering Programme Journeys to guide newcomers and highlight clear programme paths through the various tracks for attendees with shared interests at ESTRO 2025.

Each Programme Journey provides you with a tailor-made, interdisciplinary programme to follow across the congress tracks on a specific topic.

The programme journeys will be complemented with Proffered Papers/Mini Orals/Poster Discussion sessions approximately 1 month prior to the congress.

The ESTRO focus groups have developed Programme Journeys on these 15 topics:


You can follow any Programme Journey of interest.

On 3 and 4 May, Programme Journey Meet and Greet sessions will be organised during lunch time to allow journey participants to network and to meet ESTRO focus group representatives who developed these journeys. Registration for Meet & Greet sessions is required. 

Meet & Greet Schedule

Date Time Topic Room
Saturday, 3 May 12:55 - 13:25 Head & Neck Stolz 1
12:55 - 13:25 AI in RT Business 1-2
12:55 - 13:25 CNS Stolz 2
12:55 - 13:25 Dosimetry & QA Business 3-4
  13:30 - 14:00 Breast Stolz 1
13:30 - 14:00 FLASH Business 1-2
13:30 - 14:00 Lower and Upper GI Stolz 2
13:30 - 14:00 Positioning & Immobilisation Business 3-4
Sunday, 4 May 12:55 - 13:25 Lung Stolz 1
12:55 - 13:25 Gynaecology Business 1-2
12:55 - 13:25 Reirradiation Stolz 2
12:55 - 13:25 Skin & Soft Tissue Business 3-4
  13:30 - 14:00 SBRT Stolz 1
13:30 - 14:00 Urology Stolz 2


We also invite you to consult two itineraries of interest: The sustainable itinerary and the Health Services Research (HSR) itinerary.

On site at ESTRO 2025 in Vienna

You may pick up a sticker to place on your badge for the programme journey that you intend to follow.

Programme journey stickers will be available near the badge printing area. We invite you to pick up a sticker. This is intended to help you in identifying fellow participants partaking the same journey as you and hence, helping you connect with other participants who share your interests.

Furthermore, you will have the option to join WhatsApp groups via a QR code specific to the journey that you are taking to receive information and connect and engage with fellow participants throughout the congress. The WhatsApp groups will be managed by the focus groups in question so, we anticipate that this will be a valuable way to connect during the congress. Use this opportunity to develop your own network at the ESTRO 2025 congress in Vienna!

We look forward to your participation in ESTRO 2025. Please monitor this page for more information on the programme journeys.

ESTRO 2025 has been accredited with 22 European CME credits (ECMEC®s) by the European Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (EACCME®). The EACCME® is an institution of the European Union of Medical Specialists (UEMS),

Each medical specialist should claim only those credits that they actually spent in the educational activity.

Through an agreement between the European Union of Medical Specialists and the American Medical Association, physicians may convert EACCME® credits to an equivalent number of AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™.  Information on the process to convert EACCME® credits to AMA credits can be found at

Live educational activities occurring outside of Canada, recognised by the UEMS-EACCME® for ECMEC® credits are deemed to be Accredited Group Learning Activities (Section 1) as defined by the Maintenance of Certification Program of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada.

Information regarding the conversion of EACCME® credits

Credit will be converted based on one (1) hour of participation equalling one credit for all activities. Physicians wishing to convert EACCME® credits to AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™ will be required to access the AMA website at to obtain the necessary paperwork and instructions. Physicians and other health care professionals will be required to pay a processing fee to the AMA.

For other countries, please contact the relevant national/regional accreditation authority.

FALCON (Fellowship in Anatomic DeLineation and CONtouring) is the multifunctional ESTRO platform for contouring and delineation.

For ESTRO 2025, we will be offering 3 different contouring workshops topics:

  • Brain Cancer

           Saturday 3th May | 14.30 - 16:30 

  • Pancreatic Cancer SBRT

           Sunday 4 May at 10.30-12.30

  • Lung Cancer SBRT

           Sunday 4th May | 14:30 - 16:30 


To register for a contouring workshop, you must first have a main congress registration.

If you already have completed your main registration to congress and would like to add a registration to contouring workshop(s), please select option "Add On Only", and follow the registrations steps.




The ESTRO Solidarity Fund receives generous funding from the ESTRO Supporting Ambassador members. This fund enables the financing of three grants for the ESTRO annual congress in 2025.

Each grant is set at 1,500€ and is intended to cover the cost of one registration for the congress (345€). Additionally, it assists in partially reimbursing expenses related to travel, on-site accommodation and food.

Reimbursements will be based on expense reports provided by the beneficiary, ensuring that the total reimbursement does not exceed the grant amount under any circumstances.

Selection criteria

Applicants should be:

  • ESTRO members in 2025
  • Currently in training
  • Active in the field of radiotherapy, radiobiology, radiation physics, or radiation technology.
  • Citizens of low or upper middle income countries (based on the world bank listing).
  • Applicants should have not utilised the ESTRO Solidarity Fund to attend events within the past two years.
  • Applicant must provide the application form, a motivation letter, a curriculum vitae and a recommendation letter from their head of department confirming the current training status of the candidate and the essential need for financial assistance to attend the ESTRO event, and highlighting the benefits to the department or institute. Applicants should also be available for an interview with the ESTRO decision panel if necessary.
  • Applicants are required to commit to writing a congress report (the topic of which will be discussed with the ESTRO office).

Deadline for submission of application : 18 December 2024

Applications for the Solidarity Fund Travel Grants are to be sent to

JUNIOR BRACHYTHERAPY TRAVEL GRANTS - Sponsored by Elekta Brachytherapy

ESTRO members currently in-training who need support to attend the meeting may apply for the Junior Brachytherapy Travel Grants sponsored by Elekta Brachytherapy. Five grants of €1,000 are available.

Criteria for selection

  • Applicants should be ‘in training’ members of ESTRO for 2025.

How to apply

Candidates should submit one PDF file by email to Jessica Pledge (contact details below) containing in this order:

  • A cover letter from the Head of Department stating that the work has been done by the ‘in-training’ member.
  • A motivation letter indicating their interest in brachytherapy and reasons why you should be considered for this grant. Please indicate your full name, age and ESTRO membership type in your letter.

Priority will be given to applicants who have an abstract accepted for the congress and to the presentation type for the accepted abstract in this order: oral communication (proffered paper); mini-oral; poster (poster discussion; digital poster).

Deadline to apply: 18 December 2024 (23:59 CET).

Applications for the Junior Brachytherapy Travel Grants are to be sent to:

Jessica Pledge
Scientific Programme Manager 

We conduct 7 pre-meeting courses leading up to the annual congress. Please find below the different topics for the pre-meeting courses: 


Radiotherapy as “New Kid on the Block”: Uncommon indications


Predictive molecular signatures in radiation oncology


Multidisciplinary management of bladder cancer: how to implement contemporary radiotherapy in your department?


Design to dissemination - Research bootcamp 2025


Impact of current (radio)biological knowledge on treatment choices in radiotherapy


Innovations in evidence based brachytherapy (Interventional RT) of the H&N region


Practical guide to combine novel systemic therapies and radiation therapy


To register for a pre-meeting course, please select the pre-meeting course of your choice as an ''add-ons" in your registration.

If you would like to register to only the pre-meeting course without attending the congress, please select option "Add On Only", and follow the registrations steps.

Important Notice

There are an increasing number of fraudulent websites impersonating ESTRO 2025 and we would like to warn all participants to be aware of possible scams and strongly advise that you only use you only use official ESTRO channels for registration, event information, and bookings.


ESTRO members 2025 can benefit from a substantially reduced registration fee. To benefit from this member rate, please visit the membership page to become a member or renew your 2025 membership BEFORE proceeding with your order and discover the other membership advantages.

*ESTRO Members with specialty RTT may register at the In-training fee.

*To register as a student, you should be an ESTRO member and send a copy of your valid student card to before completing the registration. Institute letter is not accepted.

** Participants from emerging countries may register at a preferential rate. Emerging country fee applies to individuals from low-income and lower-middle-income economies as listed by the World Bank listing. You can check the list in here.

Group Registration

To make a group booking, kindly review our Group Registration procedure. Please ensure you fill out the group booking registration form, which you can find here, and return it to

If you have any questions, please contact us at 

IMPORTANT reminder: Each participant must register using their individual email address, as they will each receive their unique login for the ESTRO 2025 apps.


The payment for web booking is processed securely through a credit card or direct debit card (normal bank card). If you'd like to pay with bank transfer, please send all your complete requests and the invoicing address to


The organiser does not accept liability for individual medical, travel or personal insurance. Participants are strongly advised to take out their own personal insurance policies.

Cancellation and Refund

You may cancel your registration and get a full refund of the registration fee minus handling charges of 15%. This option is available until 1 month before the congress. Any cancellation request received within 1 month before the date of the congress will not be eligible for a refund. Please send an email with your request to

Registration Policy

We invite you to read our ESTRO 2025 Registration policy and Sale & Service policy.

Important Notice

There are an increasing number of fraudulent websites impersonating ESTRO 2025 and we would like to warn all participants to be aware of possible scams and strongly advise that you only use you only use official ESTRO channels for registration, event information, and bookings.

How can you travel green to Vienna? 

When planning your trip to Vienna, consider alternatives to flying. Choose train travel wherever possible—train journeys can reduce your carbon footprint (per km) by up to 5 to 42 times compared to air travel. Several resources are available to help you find the best train routes from your location to Vienna. Enjoy the journey and travel sustainably!


Trip Planner

Discover options for train travel within the UK, Europe, and worldwide with this helpful resource:


Night Trains

From cities like Brussels, Amsterdam, Paris, Berlin, Rome, Milan, and Zürich, night trains offer comfortable, overnight journeys to Vienna. The NightJet network connects numerous European cities with Vienna, allowing you to relax and arrive refreshed.

“I am enthusiastic about the ÖBB Nightjet minicabins, which I have used multiple times between Hamburg and Vienna. I love having my own private space with a window, couch, small table, and comfortable sleeping arrangements. There’s even the luxury of coffee and breakfast served in the cabin in the morning.”
Prof. Kari Tanderup, Aarhus University Hospital, Denmark


Buying Train Tickets in Europe

These websites allow you to purchase train tickets across Europe:


Your Sustainable Actions in Vienna 

Vienna is committed to sustainability, and the congress venue supports these efforts. Here’s how you can contribute:

  • Use public transportation: Plan to stay close to the congress venue or within reach of public transit. Vienna’s extensive system includes two nearby underground stations (U2: “Messe/Prater” and “Krieau”).
  • Biking options: Vienna offers a city-wide bike rental service with a station right outside the venue. Bikes are available 24/7 at any of the 120 stations across the city.
  • Walking: The congress venue is centrally located, making it accessible on foot from many parts of the city. St. Stephen's Cathedral, for instance, is a scenic 40-minute walk away.
  • Minimize waste: Recycle by using the provided bins at the venue, and avoid bottled water by drinking the high-quality tap water available throughout Vienna.
  • Choose vegetarian meals: Choosing plant-based meals can reduce food waste, especially in restaurants.

ESTRO is also committed to sustainability. We are reducing printed materials, using the conference app as much as possible, and no longer providing congress bags to delegates.


What the Venue is Doing 

The Messe Wien Exhibition & Congress Centre is certified with the Austrian Ecolabel for Green Meetings and Events. Here’s how they’re contributing:

  • Centrally located and easily accessible by train
  • Directly connected to public transport
  • Nearby hotels within walking distance
  • Rent-a-bike stations and bike lanes in front of the venue
  • Partnering with certified Green suppliers
  • Using sustainable cleaning agents and eco-certified paper
  • Waste management and recycling, including LED lighting and well-water for toilets
  • Provides post-event data on waste and energy usage for calculating CO2 footprints
  • Drinkable tap water is available throughout the entire venue.

For more on the sustainability efforts at Messe Wien, visit their sustainability page.


Section prepared by the ESTRO Green Task Force


There are an increasing number of fraudulent websites impersonating ESTRO 2025 and we would like to warn all participants to be aware of possible scams and strongly advise that you only use the official housing partner, Congrex Switzerland, when making reservations.


Messe Wien Exhibition & Congress Center
Messepl. 1, 1021 Wien

Visit Vienna

Take the opportunity that you are staying in one of the most beautiful European capitals and discover what the city has on offer. 





Congrex Switzerland is the official congress partner for hotel accommodation and is the only agency offering accommodation on behalf of the ESTRO 2025 Conference.

As the official ESTRO 2025 accommodation partner, Congrex Switzerland offers highly dedicated customer service and professional support for all your accommodation needs.



Individual Reservations and Small Groups (up to 8 rooms)

Our booking tool offers you great deals in a wide range of hotels, from budget to high standard properties all over the city of Vienna. Early booking is highly recommended as rooms typically sell fast in prime locations. Bookings can be made directly online via the above link.

Group Reservations (from 9 rooms)

For further information, up-to-date availability and reservation, please contact us at

For enquiries, please contact the official accommodation partner:

Congrex Switzerland Ltd.

Reinacherstrasse 131

CH-4053 Basel

Tel: +41 61 686 77 94


ESTRO welcomes the interest of the press in cancer issues and is happy to provide assistance to journalists attending the ESTRO 2025 from 2-6 May 2025 in Vienna, Austria, or using the congress online platform, as a resource in their coverage of cancer issues.


The congress is open to bona fide representatives of print and electronic media. Press registration is free of charge to journalists who meet the criteria outlined in this section.

Journalists are required to submit appropriate supporting documents as part of the registration process including:

  • a valid and recognised press card
  • a commissioning letter on headed paper from a recognised news organisation or publication, and two recently published by-lined articles for freelancers.

Registration for the ON SITE congress in Vienna:

The original of the press card or of the commissioning letter will also have to be presented at the conference registration desk together with a valid passport or ID-card.

Media registration in advance is strongly recommended. The documents should be sent, together with the media registration form, to the ESTRO office, by email: (with scanned documents).

The media registration form can be downloaded by clicking here.

Press registration is not available to Industry or its public relations representatives or event management, nor to media outlet managers, marketing, sales or communication representatives. They are however welcome to register as regular attendees or visitors.

Business cards or membership cards from news media, communications, or writers’ organisations are not sufficient to establish eligibility.

Journalists must register in person. Applications for media registration made via pharmaceutical, marketing or public relations companies will not be considered.

Information regarding media registrations belongs to ESTRO. Past and current media lists are not available to be given, rented or sold.

The ESTRO Office reserves the right to withhold approval of press registration and press accreditation if the applicant does not satisfy the required criteria, or if the form is sent without the requested supporting documents. The decision of the ESTRO Press Office is final regarding all press registration requests.


The ESTRO 2025 abstracts will go up online on the congress website one month before the congress at and can be reported from that time onwards.


Video or audio recordings is:

  • allowed in the common areas (entrance hall and corridors) with the prior consent of the organisers
  •  strictly prohibited in the exhibition and in the meeting rooms. Most of the sessions are recorded and available to anyone registered to the congress.

Photos and screenshots taken during the congress are subject to protection of intellectual property, image and privacy rights:

  • Presenters are the sole proprietors of the content they disclose at ESTRO events (data, photographs, slides, etc) therefore any use of elements or data of their presentation must be referenced appropriately (citing the event, session and presenter’s name)
  • It is the responsibility of presenters to notify the audience of any restrictions on photographing the content they are presenting. The announcement will be made at the beginning of each presentation.

Any public dissemination of photos or videos taken at ESTRO 2025 must mention the said event (e.g. ESTRO 2025 or ESTRO Congress).  Commercial use of images taken at the congress is strictly forbidden.

The official ESTRO logo may not be added to any videos, recordings, photos etc. from the congress without the ESTRO’s prior written approval.


Communicating about the ESTRO Congress by way of social media is encouraged within embargo restrictions.

The hashtag for the congress is #ESTRO25. 

Follow ESTRO at:


Companies wishing to organise a news conference during the congress should send a request in writing to the ESTRO office, by email: It is not permitted to schedule press events, either on or off site, to coincide with the key ESTRO 2025 sessions.

There are two types of media materials and events permitted at the ESTRO meeting:

1. Those that pertain to presentations being made at the meeting in oral or poster sessions

2. Those that relate to products/services offered by companies exhibiting at the meeting

1. Media materials pertaining to presentations in oral or poster sessions

The programme for any third-party news conference should be submitted to, and agreed by, the ESTRO Communication Office before any invitations are sent out. This applies to any media event, regardless of whether it is held on or off site.

Third party press releases must be labelled clearly with the abstract number, time and date of presentation at the congress, and submitted to, and agreed by, the ESTRO Communication Office before they are issued to the media. 

Third party press materials are not permitted outside the exhibitor’s booth.

Third party media materials (including press releases, media invitations, flyers and posters) must not contain the logos of ESTRO, and they must not be presented in any way that suggests endorsement by ESTRO.

2. Media materials relating to products/services offered by exhibiting companies

Media materials that do not relate to an oral or poster presentation at the meeting, and instead are designed to give information about products that exhibiting companies wish to promote at the meeting are permitted on two conditions: 1) they are submitted to and approved by ESTRO Communication Office prior to the start of the meeting, and 2) they are distributed from the exhibitors’ booth.

These media materials must not contain the logos of ESTRO, and they must not be presented in any way that could suggest endorsement by ESTRO.


Any national society or local organisation planning to organise press activities needs to inform the ESTRO office at the earliest opportunity. The programme for any national society or local organisations’ news conference should be submitted to and agreed by the ESTRO Communication Office before any invitations are sent out. This applies to any media event, regardless of whether it is held on or off site.

National societies and organisations press releases must be labelled clearly with the abstract number, time and date of presentation to the congress, and submitted to, and agreed by, ESTRO Communication Office before they are issued to the media. If the press release is not in English, an outline of a few sentences in English will be requested.

If the media event and/or press release for a national society or local organisation is unrelated to a specific abstract or scientific session, then the content must be discussed with the ESTRO Communication Office and approved before any plans are finalised or media invitations issued. The ESTRO Communication Office’s decision on whether or not to allow these events to take place will be final.

National societies and organisations media materials (including press releases, media invitations, flyers and posters) must not contain the logos of ESTRO, and they must not be presented in any way that could suggest endorsement by ESTRO unless they are part of a media programme joined with ESTRO.

ESTRO does not make media lists available to any third-party organisations.

If you have any questions, please contact the communications unit at the ESTRO office, by email:

An exhibition featuring equipment and medical publishers will be held in the Exhibition area. The exhibition will open on Friday evening with the Networking evening and will remain open to the visitors from Saturday to Monday. Entrance is free for all registered participants. Companies and publishers who would like to participate in the exhibition may obtain more detailed information from the ESTRO Office.

Please find here:


Booking Forms:


If you have any questions about the exhibition & sponsorship opportunities, please contact:

Hande Van Gestel

To find out Frequently Asked Questions 

If you are unable to find what you are looking for, please feel free to contact us at

Important Notice

There are an increasing number of fraudulent websites impersonating ESTRO 2025 and we would like to warn all participants to be aware of possible scams and strongly advise that you only use the official ESTRO channels for registration, event information, and bookings.